11 years ago a miracle came into my life in the shape of a perfect baby girl. Every one told me my life would never be the same & they weren't wrong. My life was enhanced beyond belief. Claire is the light of my life.

She drives me crazy with her forever untidy bedroom, which I have been told is really creative clutter, but I couldn't live without seeing her happy face everyday.

Claire you are to me the most wonderful daughter anyone could wish for. You are the centre of my universe, the light of my life.

I love you baby.


Claire Newlan go to bed baby:)


Claire Marie you are to me

the sweetest child could ever be

From your cheeky smile & button nose

All the way to your cute little toes

You have made my life whole and complete

Believe me baby that can't be beat

May all your hopes and dreams come true

God blessed us all when he gave us you


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