Friend's Pictures
Well I have mentioned IRC in my pages, So I thought the next thing I should do is a kinda rogue's gallery. This way you get to see what the people really look like instead of just seeing nicks. The pictures are in no particular order, they are just put in as & when I have found them:) If I haven't included you & you would like to be on this page, please email me the picture or send it when I am online & I will add it as soon as I can :)
JumpMan. A wonderful person with one of the biggest hearts I know. I am lucky to count him as a friend.
Flaime. Another crazy lady who together with Taliea & myself cause total riots on irc. Hmmm when are we gonna meet up for that girls night out???
Volgar. A very special person. I just can't say enough about this guy, he is one of the best:)
Debs. Well this lady is just great, she has a huge heart, is one of the bravest people I have ever met & is totally in love with HPIOU below:)
HPIOU. I don't really know him very well, but well he has to be great for Debs to be so in in love with him. Don't they just make the cutest couple:)
SAMBA & jubi. I have known these 2 for prolly as long as I have been on irc. They again are a couple in real life & it looks like a match made in heaven. Two great people:)
YoDuhh. A fantastic friend I am really lucky to know him:)
These are all the pictures I can find right now but I will be adding to this page often as I am still collecting pics. So if you would like to be a part of this rouges gallery send me your pic & I will be happy to add it:)
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